How to Remove AI-Bolit from Your cPanel Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remove AI-Bolit from Your cPanel Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

AI-Bolit is a security tool designed to detect and remove malware from Linux servers. However, there may be situations where you want to completely remove AI-Bolit from your cPanel server, either due to conflicts, resource consumption, or because it is no longer needed.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps necessary to completely remove AI-Bolit from your server, ensuring that it no longer causes issues or uses system resources.

Why Remove AI-Bolit?

While AI-Bolit can be a helpful tool for server security, it’s possible that:

  • You no longer need the service.
  • It is causing conflicts with other software on your server.
  • It is using too many resources, leading to performance degradation.


Before you begin the removal process, ensure that:

  • You have root access to your server.
  • You have a backup of your server in case anything goes wrong during the removal process.

Step 1: Identify the AI-Bolit Package

First, you need to confirm that AI-Bolit is installed on your system. To do this, run the following command:

rpm -qa | grep ai-bolit

This command will list all installed AI-Bolit versions. The package should appear as something like ai-bolit-1:32.1.19-1.el8.x86_64.

Step 2: Stop Any Running AI-Bolit Processes

Before removing the package, stop any running AI-Bolit processes. You can do this by using the ps and kill commands:

ps aux | grep ai-bolit

This will show you the processes related to AI-Bolit. Find the process IDs (PID) and stop them:

kill -9 <PID>

Replace <PID> with the actual process ID.

Step 3: Remove AI-Bolit Package

Once the processes are stopped, you can remove the AI-Bolit package using the rpm command:

rpm -e ai-bolit-1:32.1.19-1.el8.x86_64

This command will uninstall the specific version of AI-Bolit from your system. If you have a different version installed, adjust the command accordingly.

Step 4: Clean Up Residual Files

After removing the AI-Bolit package, some residual files might still exist. These could include configuration files, logs, or other directories. To ensure a complete removal, run:

rm -rf /var/lib/ai-bolit
rm -rf /usr/local/ai-bolit

These commands will remove any leftover directories or files related to AI-Bolit.

Step 5: Check for Leftover Dependencies

Sometimes, removing a package may leave behind dependencies or configuration files. To check for any remaining AI-Bolit files, use the following command:

rpm -qa | grep ai-bolit

If anything is left behind, repeat the removal process for those files.

Step 6: Verify That AI-Bolit is Removed

To verify that AI-Bolit has been completely removed from your system, check the process list again:

ps aux | grep ai-bolit

You should no longer see any running AI-Bolit processes. Additionally, check if the package is still listed:

rpm -qa | grep ai-bolit

Both commands should return no results.

Step 7: Restart cPanel Services

After removing AI-Bolit and cleaning up any residual files, restart the necessary cPanel services to ensure everything is functioning properly:


Alternatively, you can restart all cPanel services by running:



Removing AI-Bolit from your cPanel server is a straightforward process that involves stopping the AI-Bolit processes, uninstalling the package, cleaning up any residual files, and ensuring that no traces are left behind. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can fully remove AI-Bolit and restore your server to its optimal state.

If you run into any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to your hosting provider or consult the cPanel support team for guidance.