How to Mount TrueNAS SMB Share on Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Configure SMB Share on TrueNAS

  1. Log in to TrueNAS Web Interface:Open a web browser and navigate to the IP address of your TrueNAS server.
  2. Create a Dataset (if not already created):
    • Go to “Storage” and then “Pools”.
    • Click on the pool where you want to create the dataset.
    • Click on “Add Dataset”.
    • Enter a name for the dataset (e.g., backup) and configure the settings as needed.
    • Click “Save”.
  3. Configure SMB Service:
    • Go to “Sharing” and then “Windows Shares (SMB)”.
    • Click on “Add”.
    • Set the “Path” to the directory you want to share (e.g., /mnt/main/backup).
    • Enter a name for the share in the “Name” field (e.g., backup).
    • Configure other options as needed and click “Submit”.
  4. Enable SMB Service:
    • Go to “Services”.
    • Find the “SMB” service and switch it to “ON”.
    • Ensure it is set to start automatically.

2. Create and Configure User on TrueNAS

  1. Create User:
    • Go to “Accounts” and then “Users”.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Fill in the details:
      • Username: backup
      • Full Name: Your Full Name
      • Email: [email protected]
      • Password: Pass@rd0324
      • Confirm Password: Pass@rd0324
    • Ensure “Password Disabled” is set to false.
    • Ensure “Lock User” is set to false.
    • Ensure “Permit Sudo” is set to true.
    • Click “Save”.
  2. Configure SMB Permissions:
    • Go to “Sharing” and then “Windows Shares (SMB)”.
    • Click the three dots next to your share and select “Edit Permissions”.
    • Set the “Owner (user)” to backup.
    • Set the “Owner (group)” as needed.
    • Ensure proper permissions are set (read/write for the user).
    • Click “Save”.

3. Mount the Directory on Windows

  1. Open File Explorer:Open File Explorer on your Windows machine.
  2. Map Network Drive:
    • Click on “This PC” in the left sidebar.
    • Click on the “Computer” tab and then “Map network drive”.
  3. Assign a Drive Letter:Choose a drive letter (e.g., Z:).
  4. Specify the Folder:Enter the path to the SMB share. It should be in the format:shCopy code\\[TrueNAS-IP-address]\backup Replace [TrueNAS-IP-address] with the actual IP address of your TrueNAS server.
  5. Authentication:When prompted for credentials, enter:
    • Username: backup
    • Password: Pass@rd0324
    You may need to prefix the username with the server name (e.g., TrueNAS\backup).
  6. Finish:Click “Finish” to complete the process.

You should now be able to access the shared directory from your TrueNAS server on your Windows machine through the assigned drive letter. If you encounter any issues, ensure that the SMB service is running on the TrueNAS server and that the Windows machine can reach the server over the network.