How to Set Up a Domain Reseller Account

Instructions for Setting Up Your Domain Reseller Account

After you have ordered the domain reseller API from Hostraha, please follow these steps to complete the setup of your domain reseller account.

Reseller Area

Resellers can manage API connection credentials directly from the provider WHMCS client area as well as see any details on its TLDs offer.Go to ‘Domains’ ‘Reseller Area’ to access them.
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As you can see, ‘Orders’ section includes a detailed list of orders placed on domains with offered TLDs, with any payment details and date.
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‘Pricing’ section includes a list of the Reseller’s TLDs with the option to preview its pricing set up by the provider.
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The ‘Domains’ section allows Resellers to manage their domains.If you want to assign any domains that were bought previously, simply click on the following button.
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Now you can select one or more domains from the dropdown menu.
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There is also the possibility to unassign the particular domain.Note: Please remember that once a domain is unassigned, you are not able to manage it until it is assigned again.
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Under ‘Settings’ section you will find any API details necessary to install and activate the integration module.
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Underneath the API details you will find a list of generated integrations.Depending on the provider, you may download the packages, download the additional fields and documentation per Integration.
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Preview a list of logs on API requests and responses, including errors stored in the module.
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API Documentation

Access API documentation details with basic information and API Calls and Models.This API documentation has been prepared to allow you to write your own integration modules for platforms other than WHMCS and Blesta (included by default).‘Information’ tab contains:Endpoint – URL to which all the API requests are directedAuthorization – Username and token parameters to authenticate the client in the API requestExample – exemplary request to API to renew a domain
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Available ‘Calls’ list:Note: The screen below does not capture all the supported functions.
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Available ‘API Models’ list:
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Installation Of Integration Module

Still in the domain reseller area, Please download the integration module in this tab

1. Upload and extract the registrar module into your WHMCS.Once you have extracted the module, you should find a new folder with the registrar in ‘resellerWHMCS/modules/registrars/’ directory.
Important: The folder and module name, logo and description of the extracted integration module is customized by the provider and will be different than the one presented in the example below.
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2. Go to ‘System Settings’ ‘Domains Registrars’ , find the module you have just uploaded and press ‘Activate’ next to it.
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3. Now, press ‘Configure’ button, enter ‘User Email’ and ‘API Key’ provided along with the module.You can find these data in your Reseller Area in the Provider’s Client Area. Afterwards, press ‘Save Changes’.
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5. To continue, go to ‘System Settings’ ‘Domains Pricing’.Set up TLD your provider allows you to resell, select additional features, choose registrar you have just installed from a dropdown menu and save it through pressing ‘Save Changes’.
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6. Afterwards, set pricing for your TLD. To do so, press ‘Open Pricing’ text.It will open in a new window, so make sure your browser does not block it.
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7. Next, enter prices for specific actions. Press ‘Save Changes’ to confirm.
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8. Congratulations, you have just successfully installed your registrar!

Extended TLDs Management – Integration With Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS

Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS allows quick and easy management of multiple TLDs that may turn out to be a fundamental tool for your resellers!In this part we are going to present how fluently these two modules may work together to gain the most from the integration.
The provider in ‘Domains Reseller’ module must have previously configured and set up the pricing for domains he wants to offer to a reseller.
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Open your Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS addon module, move to ‘Predefined TLD Sets’ section and install the ones the provider has offered you to resell.
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Come back to the ‘TLDs Configuration’, find your group with newly assigned TLDs and define pricing for each of them. To make it faster, select all TLDs and use a mass action button.
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It is time to quickly set up the pricing, do not forget to define higher prices that the provider has stated in your Reseller Area to assure incomes! Save the changes once ready.You can find more information about the pricing in Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS here.
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Select all TLDs the same way you did earlier and ‘Edit TLDs Configuration’.There, find ‘Overwrite Registrar’ option and toggle it. A dropdown menu with available registrars will appear. Select the integration module delivered by your provider.
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Most importantly, the offer can be now extremely client-friendly due to a high range of selection of Domain Orders Extended domain registration forms including:Lagom themeGeneral Category ViewMulti Category ViewList View
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There is surely a solution for resellers who do not own Domain Orders Extended module yet.They will simply have to add and set up each TLD separately at the ‘System Settings’ ‘Domain Pricing’, which may be time consuming.
That is why we highly recommend using the modules together to manage the time optimally.
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As you can see, integrating of Domains Resellers For WHMCS with Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS allows you to offer vast array of TLDs with ease.A win-win situation with benefits for all: you expanding and perfecting your offer, your resellers managing the TLDs and surely for the end-clients enjoying the final outcomes!

End Client Area

Domains Reseller integration module allows end clients to register, transfer and renew domain as well as run standard actions on domains.WHMCS Client Area view with an ordered domain via integration module.
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Blesta Client Area view with an ordered domain via integration module.
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Sample Workflow

In this section we will present to you a sample workflow of the module.In a basic workflow 3 users take part:
Provider – a person with Domains Reseller For WHMCS installed on the WHMCS system.
Reseller – a provider’s client who aims at reselling TLDs offered to him by the provider.
The reseller must own a system with integration module generated for him by the provider with Domains Reseller For WHMCS.
End Client – a person with a client account in the Reseller’s system (WHMCS, Blesta or others).

Provider’s Part
Let us start from the beginning. Provider installs Domains Reseller For WHMCS in the system.
He already has some TLDs in the offer and wishes to allow the reseller to resell them.
Now, the provider configures Domains Reseller For WHMCS, creates groups, configures them and assigns TLDs and defines their pricing for the reseller who is assigned to one of the groups.
Finally, selects which of the clients will become resellers, assigns them to previously created groups and generates access details.

Reseller Part
The Reseller has access to the Reseller Area once logged into the provider’s client area.
There, he can download both the integration module and its documentation as well as generate and copy any API details required to activate the integration module in his own system.
Then, the reseller needs to set up TLDs that the provider allows him to resell with the integration module delivered by the provider. Defines the pricing (prices must be higher than the ones the provider has set up to generate any income).
There is one step that separates the reseller from offering the domain from his system.
The reseller must add funds to his credit balance in the provider system to be able to pay off the charges and settle the amounts owed to the provider for his resold TLDs .
Provider creates an ‘add funds invoice’ for the Reseller, the Reseller pays the invoice and then again the Provider adds the same amount to Reseller’s credit balance.
From now on, any domain can be ordered.

End Client
End Client orders a domain from his client area in the Reseller’s system.

Last Word About Payment
Now, that the End-Client has ordered and paid the reseller for the domain, at the provider’s system a new invoice for that domain is created automatically (on behalf of the reseller).
Depending on the selected “Payment Type” configuration the invoice will be paid with credits and domain attempted to be registered or attempt to register the domain and if successful, the invoice will be paid with credits.
In case the reseller does not have sufficient credits on his account to pay for the domain registration the process is stopped until the invoice is manually paid by the reseller.
The reseller’s income is the difference between the price of the sold domain to the End-Client and the price he paid to the provider.

Domains Reseller Product

Domains Reseller For WHMCS module may also be configured as a provisioning module. You will have to create a new product that will be offered to purchase for resellers.This simple trick will allow you to skip the manual configuration of all resellers. The process will be automatized once the reseller orders such product.
Follow the steps below to create and configure the Domains Reseller product:1. In order to create a new Domains Reseller product, go to ‘Setup’ → ‘Products/Services’ → ‘Products/Services’.
Press ‘Create New Group’ to add a new one.
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2. Fill in a product group name and press ‘Save Changes’.
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3. Next, add a new product in the previously created group.
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4. Set the product type to ‘Other’, name the product and assign it to the Domians Reseller module.
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5. Now, go to the ‘Module Settings’ section and choose one of the previously created in the addon groups of resellers from dropdown menu. Press ‘Save Changes’ .Note that there is no server that shall be selected. Your product is ready to order!
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Allowed actions on the product:Create – once a client orders the product, go to Client’s Products/Services and run the ‘Create’ action.
When successful, the client appears on the list of resellers in your addon (see the screen below).Suspend – after successful Suspend action in the Client’s Products/Services, the ‘ API Key Status ‘ of this reseller is switched off.Unsuspend – run ‘Unsuspend ‘ command to again switch on the reseller’s ‘API Key Status.’Terminate – when the product is terminated, the Reseller’s ‘API Key Status’ is again switched off.
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Addon view:
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Once any of your clients orders this product, they will automatically become resellers.They will get access to the ‘Reseller Area’, from where they can resell the domains, that belong to their pricing group.
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1. If your reseller gets an error ‘Unable to register domain, please contact administration (license problem).’, that means your license is invalid or expired.
2. Make sure that you are not blocking access to the ‘api’ catalog by your ‘.htaccess’ file.
3. Domains Reseller For WHMCS enables you to resell your domains not only to WHMCS and Blesta systems.You are able to easily prepare registrar module for any system (HostBill, Clientexec, BoxBilling and many more) using Domains Reseller For WHMCS API.
All you need is knowledge of for example PHP programming language and our module’s API.
4. If a client buys a domain from the reseller and pays in a different currency than the reseller’s default currencythen the amount will be converted into the reseller’s default currency basing on the ‘Base Conv. Rate’ (your WHMCS → System Settings → Currencies).

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